

2017年2月に「ワールドスパ&ウェルネスアワード」を受賞するなど、世界的にも評価が高いスパウェルネスリゾート「カマラマコー サムイ」。ホリスティックセラピーやヒーリングセラピーなど、パーソナライズされたウェルネス体験は他ではなかなかできない体験のひとつだ。
住所:102/9 Moo 3, Laem Set Road, Na-Muang Koh Samui, Suratthani

「パナシアコーサムイ」は、東南アジアの中でもユニークなリトリートのひとつ。丘の上から眺める豊かな自然の大パノラマは一見の価値がある。ギリシャ神話の癒しの女神の名前にちなんでつけられた名前の通 り、心身の癒しや活性化を望む方には最適だ。
住所:51/25 Moo1 Bophut Koh Samui, Suratthani

Banyan Tree Koh Samu(バンヤンツリー コーサムイ)
住所:99/9 Moo 4, Maret Samui, Surat Thani
Koh Samui has been called Coconuts island because it is covered with Coconuts tree. Samui is the third largest island and representative resort in Thailand along with Phuket. On the other hand, it has been tackling on preserving scenic beauty prohibiting to construct higher buildings than coconuts tree, that is the reason why rich natural were left around the Samui island. You can always enjoy marine activities but we recommend you add to go to Na Muang Water Fall as a picnic itinerary, it is a different pleasure in Samui as well. Samui has many boutique-typed spa resorts which we now recommend on the following page.

Kamalaya is highly estimated spa & wellness resort winning World Spa & Wellness Awards recently. Personalized wellness program like holistic and healing therapy are renowned globally.
Address:102/9 Moo 3, Laem Set Road, Na-Muang Koh Samui, Suratthani

Panacea Koh Samui is one of the unique retreats in Asia. It is worth while seeing a panoramic natural beauty from up on the hillside. As indicated by the name derived from healing goddess of Greek mythology, it is the most adequate and ideal place for those who seek for healing.
Address:51/25 Moo1 Bophut Koh Samui, Suratthani

Banyan Tree
Banyan Tree Koh Samui is located on the slope of the hillside from where we can see the cove with harmonic sounds. Stilts villas making use of traditional skills in Thailand is what we recommend to experience Thai culture. Feeling slow life enables us to have a sublime repose for those people leading busy lives.
Address:99/9 Moo 4, Maret Samui, Surat Thani


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